
Looking to the heavens…

So, as I was looking up at the sky tonight…very late…I began to thank God for just giving me an opportunity to make a difference in just one persons life…even that is incredible…then I began to look for just one star and couldn’t find one…I could find the moon, however, and thought, I’m willing to settle for the moon if I can just be a part of Your Will…  I then thanked Him for any opportunity to be anywhere near heaven.  As I was walking away, I had to admit that even seeing one star would give me hope about drawing closer to Him and becoming more like Him…and guess what.  As I was walking inside and thinking this (and it was extremely overcast and you could only barely see the moon), one, lone, star appeared and it really touched my heart.  I just wanted to share that.  Hope for the future when we rely upon Him!

So, even though there haven’t been that many people that have read my blog, I have gotten several requests to keep writing.  I thank those of you that have been reading!  It makes me feel really great!

Ok, I have a test on Wednesday so this post is going to have to be short…plus, I spilled hot sauce on my space bar key and it keeps sticking (which is extremely annoying since I press it so often).  But, I did want to tell about my new study friend.  I’ll not divulge his name (because he’s such a shy and vulnerable guy…J/K), but I’ll say that God really helped me out by making him want to study with an ADD student like myself (attention deficit disorder).  We studied all day Saturday and Sunday (which those of you who know me realize how significant this is) and in exchange, I try and help him to understand the intricacies of women… In other words, he helps me study and I explain to him that I have no idea what I’m talking about and that nothing that I say is necessarily true…that he might as well give up on understanding and begin realizing that woman are much too complicated to understand and it is better just to learn certain patterns that they tend to display.  Also, telling him that there are certain sure fire ways to “tick them off”, and also to “make them happy”.  Other than that, I’m as clueless as him…just been alive longer to see a few patterns.  (I love you sweetheart!)

All this being said, it has been a really great week as far as studying and I think that I might do really well on this test!  Anyone who reads this, please send up a prayer for my friend and myself!   Later!

She’s back!!!

So, my wife Liz has been gone for over a week.  Close to two weeks, but she’s back!!! Now, I’m not sure why so many people don’t like their wives, but mine is a keeper.  I really have no great thoughts about it, and need to go spend time with her, but just wanted to say to all those single people out there that true love is real and you really can find someone who you love so much that you want to see them every day.  So, don’t settle for anything less…you really can find someone who you love more than anything and that when you’re apart, the only thing you really want is to be back together!

So, yesterday, I had visited my home and I asked my Dad if he had read my Blog.  To which he responded “I haven’t”.  Very underwhelmed by his response I asked, “any reason why not?”.  He said, “I just didn’t think it was necessary”. 

Now, many of you might think that he meant that it was “not necessary” to read the blog because either he didn’t think I would care, or my Mother might have told him what I was writing anyway.  I, on the other hand, thought it was more….you just have to know my Dad…

So I asked, “what do you mean it isn’t necessary”.  He said, “I just think that blogging is unnecessary…there’s no reason to put all of that online for everyone to read”.  To which I responded, “Dad, it’s not like I’m putting personal things which make a difference…just my thoughts”.  To which he responded (and I let it go after that), “I just think it’s unnecessary”. 

I’m not afraid to write about this because I know he will never read this.  Now, you have to understand that my Dad is over 70.  He is pretty old school and feels that almost everything is a private matter.  I tend to disagree.  In fact, I like the idea of writing on my blog…who knows how much I might appreciate it in the future! 

Anywho, does anyone else find family or friends thinking that blogging is “unnecessary”?

So, this morning, I had decided to go visit my parents who live a couple of hours away.  I sent a text to my mother that I was coming to which she responded… “Good morning blue ferry”.  Before I could respond to ask what she was talking about, she sent the same message again. 

Now, my first thought was that maybe she was being silly…then I thought, “no, Mom isn’t normally that random”.  So I text her back asking what she meant.  After about 30 minutes she wrote this message “Good morning blue berry muffins are going into the oven!” I thought that was so funny.  I guess I should have known that ferry was spelled incorrectly, but oh well…

If you have ever seen the movie AI (artificial intelligence), then you’ll know exactly why my mothers text seemed extra funny.  In this movie, this robot boy is kicked out of his human home and left to wander around and fend for himself.  Is obsession becomes to find the “blue fairy to make him a real boy…just like Pinocchio”.  It was one of the goofiest Science Fiction movies I’ve ever seen.  For months after it, my friend Jody and I would walk around either saying “I want to be a real boy”, or, “Hi blue fairy”.  Now why we did this, I have no idea, but I never said I wasn’t a little strange.  All this being said, to bring my title into perspective, is that texting errors account for 47% of all breakups!  So, you see, text messaging is the silent killer.  (I made up that % because %’s give validity…people always love a good statistic).

Has anyone ever noticed how close together actors on TV/Movies really are?  I mean their faces.  They are all up in the other persons busnass.  Think about it if it were you that were talking to someone and their face was that close to yours while you talked.  Come to think of it, I have had that experience many times when I spent a year in China…

We don’t realize that here in the U.S. we need the most personal space of anyone.  In China, before the influence of Western Culture began to infiltrate (starting when  I was there in 1999), you would see straight men walking arm in arm, or one hand over the others shoulder. As I made friends they even did it to me!  At first it was strange, but then I got used to it and thought it was nice.  We’ve been brainwashed here in the US that any man that shows any sort of physical affection to another man, has to be gay.  Give me a break…you know who it was who propagated this theory…my opinion that is…it was the closet gays themselves (AKA the insecure men who secretly wanted to be gay but acted violently towards those they were wanting to be).  I mean, why would a gay guy care about the affection.  It was us heterosexuals…specifically the insecure ones that made everyone so scared to show any affection (men to other men) because they thought it meant you were gay!  I ask you, though, could Billions of men in other country all be wrong?  I think not!  I think its us that’s got it backwards!

How the heck did I get off on this subject?? Oh yeah, the actors on TV having their faces so close together while their acting.  Maybe, it’s hollywood trying to make a statement about how we, as americans, require too much personal space!  I seriously doubt that.  It’s more likely so they can fit the peoples faces on the screen in a closeup shot.  Any other thoughts? (about any of my “Deep thoughts”?)

I’m up early this morning…not really by choice, I’ve just gotten to that point where I might as well get up and be useful…You know, that point after you’ve rolled around in the bed for an hour, become exhausted of playing solitaire on the computer (or phone in my case), counted so many sheep that you begin to believe that counting sheep actually makes sense, tried to do the whole, clear your mind of all thoughts and relax each body part routine, thought of a very content moment and tried to relax by only thinking of that, or, you have over-analyzed sleep and begun to think about how strange it is that you can actually fall asleep…what is sleep…what triggers it….how to reach it if you’re thinking about it…”Jeez-um, I might as well get up now!!!”

Anyhow, never think about the process of how you fall asleep!  It always ends badly. (when you’re trying to sleep that is)

So, all that being said, I’m going to go to school and study.  Might as well study…man my life is sad…:-) J/K

OK, now, as a man, I don’t typically think about women’s rights (although maybe I should), but as I was watching the latest episode of 24 (on-line) I realized how ticked I would be if my daughter (at an appropriate age) were to see some of these women portrayed.  Let me explain.  So the main tech is possibly being replaced by Chloe (the woman super tech).  So this first woman goes about blackmailing the other guy that is also a tech in her office to give her a way to spy on Chloe.  This woman tech has no real reason to suspect Chloe accept for her insecurity’s. 

Now, as a man, my first thought was “stupid woman, don’t give into your emotions”.  Then I thought, Tom!!! they’re trying to get you to stereotype women.  Let’s be honest, what woman, that is in national security at that level, would compromise her job within 20 minutes of another woman coming into the office and beginning in an ambiguous position which may, or may not, be trying to replace you!  Anyway, women of America!  This is what give you a bad name!  This is only propagating the stereotype that women give into their emotions, even in a potentially devastating situation.  I was completely insulted!…and I’m not even a woman! 

For all you women out there, you have it hard.  I hadn’t realized how hard until today.  Good luck trying to overcome the majority of men who wouldn’t take a second look and realize that their initial stereotype was incorrect and only fiction given by the media elite!!!

P.S.  Just a little ranting to make the soul feel better!!!

Back to the story of Liz and her new job…

So, it never occurred to me that some people might take my wife suddenly starting to travel as a sign that she is cheating on me!  That is until one day when I was checking out at the convenience store up the street the lady at the register gave me this half smile and said “she’s goin out of town again?”.  Well, it wasn’t very interesting what she said, it was more interesting the look she gave me.  The look that said 1000 words.  Like, “Boy, you better make sure she ain’t up to no good”, or “You better be nice to that woman of yours”, or “I don’t trust that woman of yours”, or….maybe it meant, “why do you keep telling me about any of this cuz I don’t give a…”

Actually, it is probably the last one.  You know how so many times we think that people are thinking bad, good, or indifferent about us when in actuality, they probably “don’t give a…”.  Isn’t it strange how we think someone that we don’t even know that well, either likes or dislikes us… Kind-of egocentric (if that’s a word).  I mean, most people that we just met don’t sit around thinking about us either way!  Why would they…we don’t.  But if your like me, sometimes we think about the way someone we just met looked at us, or said something to us…then we assign some ridiculous meaning which they probably haven’t thought about at all! 

Oh, well, that being said (I love tangents), I’m going to miss my wife and completely trust her.  It was a real shock when I thought about how to someone like the funny lady at the convenience store, it might seem suspicious…or she might just “not give a…”.

Mega Early in the Morn…

So it’s before 6 in the morn. and I’m getting Liz ready to leave for two weeks!  Yeah, it really stinks that she has to go, but I guess I’ll manage…although not as well…

Sometimes I feel like the oddball in the fact that I actually Enjoy my wife’s company.  Most married men that I talk to, especially the older ones, are always excited to get away from their wives.  Personally, I don’t get it.  Now, don’t get me wrong, there are times when I like to have “time to myself”, but that typically includes Liz sitting next to me on the couch and we just aren’t talking!  That’s about all the “time alone” that I need…I mean, with school and everything, I get plenty of “built in” time apart, so when she has to go away on business, that’s more than I want (time apart that is).

Ok, so all this babbling, all to say that I love my wife and will miss her.  She got this new job as a sales rep. for publishing companies…so she has to sell books to several states….oh, got to go help Liz load the car.  More later on Liz’s new job and the humorous lady at the gas station up the street!